Thursday, February 26, 2009


to get, obtain, acquire

pet peeve alert!
I see this word nearly every day in a work context. it's used to describe the action of computer functions that get some form of data or another. in 99 per cent of all cases, those computer functions even include the word 'get' in their title. yet there are some translators who obstinately refuse to translate 取得 as 'get'.
the past tenses of the verb, to get, seem to be anathema to some people. heaven forfend we should use the word 'got', let alone 'gotten', regardless of how grammatically correct they are.
and they are grammatically correct.
the odd and truly annoying thing about the translator in question, whose 'obtain' I constantly correct, is that he also incorrectly uses 'to get' where the verbs 'to be' or 'to become' or 'to understand' are grammatically called for.
drives me 'round the proverbial bend.
when I'm not cursing the bad drivers, that is...

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