Tuesday, December 8, 2015


opening, difference, discrepancy, gap, variance

I knew the first, obvious, meaning for this nominal form of the verb, 開く hiraku (to open), but the other meanings were news to me, and I found them intriguing. Well, gap makes sense, but difference and discrepancy and variance? Very interesting.


opinion, point of view, judgment, position

The first character is easy. 見る miru (to see, to watch). The second one was familiar, but apparently, not familiar enough. When I checked it out, I found that it is used for a variety of verbs. 解く hodoku (to untie, to unwrap, to unfasten), 解ける tokeru (to be solved, to come undone), 解く toku (to solve, although you must be able to hodoku and toku straight only by context, since they both have the same 送り仮名 okurigana (declensional kana)), and 解る wakaru (to understand, to grasp, to see).